11th June 2024

Kia ora whānau,

Winter sports are underway! This term all of our years 3-6 students are enjoying their Winter sports each Wednesday. Whole school sports, all year levels, are happening on Fridays. Everyone is having fun, learning skills and playing a few games.

We have our Week 9 MOTAT trip coming up. All permission slips have been sent home and most have been returned – thank you! Please get these in to us, if you haven’t. The dates for the trip are as follows:
Monday 24th June- R10, R8
Tuesday 25th June- RS, R6, R12, R13, R14
Wednesday 26th June- R2, R3, R4, R11, R15, R16
Thursday 27th June- Nafanua, Nga Kakano, Gyan Deep

This year we have upgraded our school database system. The new system is called HERO and this system is where you (parents and whanau) will access school reports, your child’s work samples, attendance, updates from their teacher and more. We will be phasing out the use of SEESAW, as HERO does it all. This term, your child’s teacher will be entering your child’s mid-year achievement levels for Reading, Writing and Maths on the HERO app. This is being done this week. In Term 4, the end of year report will be shared with you via the HERO app. The first thing to do to ensure you have access is to provide us with your correct email address so that we can invite you as a user. The second thing to do is to download the free HERO app- which is called Hero by LINC-ED-in your app store. Your email address will receive a link for you to join, and once you are signed in you will be able to access your child’s information. We will send these invites this week, so please let us know your email address. Send it to admin@sunnyvale.school.nz. We will continue to send home your child’s reflection book in Terms 2 and 4 and this contains achievement information and work samples.

Have a great week!
Whaea Katie

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