Katie Pennicott

Katie's bio
Ko Hikurangi te maunga Ko Waiapu te awa Ko Horouta te waka Ko Ngati Porou te iwi Tena koutou katoa Kia ora koutou, I am Katie Pennicott. I am from Invercargill and my tipuna are of Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Pakēha and Whenua Moemoea descent. I am originally from Invercargiill and now live in Auckland. I have been a teacher and school leader for 25 years. I am passionate about providing the conditions resources, support and space for success, enjoyment and belonging for all of our students, teachers and whānau. I have one son aged 23 years, and my chihuahuas Frankie and Doug come to school with me most days. I love getting out and about enjoying nature around Auckland. I welcome all feedback, suggestions and ideas and love hearing from our school community. The door is always open, Nau mai, Haere mai!

Mericia Chang
Deputy Principal | Kauri Team Leader | Kaiako

Mericia's bio
Fakaalofa lahi atu, I am Mericia Chang. I am of Niuean descent, teacher of Room 6, Team Leader of the Kauri Syndicate (Y5-6) and Across School Leader of our Henderson Kahui Ako (Community of Learning). I have only started working here at Sunnyvale School this year. I am married to Nigel (Samoan-Chinese) and have four children – Lanicia (17), Dallyce (16), Manatoa (12) and Johnson (9). My daughters Lanicia and Dallyce attend St Dominics College, My son Manatoa attends Liston College and my baby Johnson is currently at Western Heights Primary as of this year. I have been teaching for 11 years (years 3-8) at 3 different schools. In addition, my family and life outside teaching also play a major role and influence me as a teacher/leader. I manage a sporting family – and I’m the main cheerleader for them on the sideline of the court and the field. Life is busy as a full time working Mum. Nevertheless, I too am a learner and my role as a teacher, leader and all my other responsibilities are constant work in progress and is always evolving – but as they say, ‘life is so much easier with a sense of humour’. My door is always open, and I love meeting and chatting with people.

Jessica Shirley
Deputy Principal | Kowhai Team Leader | Teacher Room 1

Jessica's bio
Kia ora tatou. My name is Jessica Shirley and I started my teaching journey here at Sunnyvale school in 2009. I originally grew up in South Auckland, attending school in Papatoetoe but now I call West Auckland home. We also have a family bach at Waihi Beach where I spend a lot of summers and long weekends. I love being a teacher and seeing the progress of the tamariki here at our school. I feel blessed that I get to do what I do everyday. I believe every child is different it’s very important to build solid relationships with my learners and their whānau by getting to know who they are as individuals and what their interests and passions are. I hold high expectations for my students and love to celebrate success. I believe learning is for life. I have learnt so much about myself, children and education during my time at Sunnyvale. I want to give my students the tools to be lifelong learners and strive to achieve their goals and ambitions. In my spare time I love spending time with friends and family, listening to music, being by a pool or at the beach and walking. I also love meeting new people, so my door is also open and everyone is welcome to come for a chat.

May Gaseata
Assistant Principal | Pohutukawa Team Leader | Faiaoga Nafanua

May's bio
Talofa, talofa, talofa lava. My name is May Gaseata and I have been at Sunnyvale since 2015. My passions include music and Siva Samoa, and I also love tutoring the Pasifika Group, alongside another colleague of mine. The thing I love most about teaching is; the lightbulb moments students have and seeing students shine in different areas at school, whether it be through academics, the arts or sports. In my spare time I love to play with my son and catch up on my programs. I love summer and going to the beach to have a swim and a BBQ. My door is always open and I am always willing to listen, so please do not hesitate to come in. Fa’afetai lava

Lesley Boswell
Nikau Team Leader / Teacher Room 16

Lesley's bio
Kia Ora tatou, I’m Miss Boswell. I began my teaching journey in 1999 with a B.Ed from Auckland Uni, after originally training as a teacher aide. Sunnyvale is my third school after beginning my career at Kohimarama, then Edendale. I feel blessed to come home to West Auckland where I was raised, having grown up in Glen Eden and attending Prospect Primary, Bruce Mac and Kelston Girls. I’m Sunnyvale’s resident All Black obsessive and Blues tragic, and an arachnophile. I believe strongly in the importance of developing maturity and encouraging independence as tamariki cross from the junior school into the senior. I love encouraging tamariki to notice and appreciate the natural world and the amazing things about mini animals around them everyday. My greatest passion is Reading and I enjoy igniting a love of books, the joy you get from reading and opening up young people’s imaginations. In my personal time I enjoy reading and watching murder mysteries and surprise, surprise, going to the rugby at Eden Park with my brother Keith. Feel free to come and meet me, if you can find me disguised among the tamariki. 😆🕸


Jessica Shirley
Deputy Principal | Kowhai Team Leader | Teacher Room 1

Jessica's bio
Kia ora tatou. My name is Jessica Shirley and I started my teaching journey here at Sunnyvale school in 2009. I originally grew up in South Auckland, attending school in Papatoetoe but now I call West Auckland home. We also have a family bach at Waihi Beach where I spend a lot of summers and long weekends. I love being a teacher and seeing the progress of the tamariki here at our school. I feel blessed that I get to do what I do everyday. I believe every child is different it’s very important to build solid relationships with my learners and their whānau by getting to know who they are as individuals and what their interests and passions are. I hold high expectations for my students and love to celebrate success. I believe learning is for life. I have learnt so much about myself, children and education during my time at Sunnyvale. I want to give my students the tools to be lifelong learners and strive to achieve their goals and ambitions. In my spare time I love spending time with friends and family, listening to music, being by a pool or at the beach and walking. I also love meeting new people, so my door is also open and everyone is welcome to come for a chat.

Jasmine Hohua
Room 2

Jasmine's bio
Kia ora my name is Jasmine Hohua. I am a mother and a wife and we have been a part of the Sunnyvale community for the past 5 years. I am passionate about tamariki and love to foster learning and growth. I believe learning happens through genuine connection between kaiako, tamariki and whanau so whanau connections are high on my priority list. I look forward to working alongside your tamariki and your whanau this year.

Jamie Cunnington
Room 3

Jamie's bio
Tena koutou katoa, Ko Tangihua tōku maunga Ko Wairoa tōku awa Ko Mahurihuri o Te rangi tōku waka Ko Te Tirarau tōku tipuna Ko Ngāti Whatua tōku iwi Ko Te Parawhau tōku hapu Ko Tirarau tōku Marae No Tangiteroria ahau Kei Tāmaki Makaurau tōku kainga noho Ko Jamie Cunnington tōku ingoa No reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa Kia ora koutou! My name is Jamie Cunnington. I grew up in Mt Eden but my family all live in West Auckland so it has always been a second home to me. I studied theatre at Victoria University in Wellington, moving back to Auckland in 2019 where I completed my Post Graduate Diploma in teaching at The University of Auckland. I have been a kaiako at Sunnyvale School since 2020. I started my teaching journmey in Kauri teaching Year 5 and 6 and have been teaching in the Kōwhai syndicate since 2022. I have gained a real passion for teaching New Entrant and Year 1 tamariki.

Portia Ball
Room 4

Portia's bio
Kia ora! My name is Portia Ball and I am so excited to begin my teaching career at Sunnyvale in 2024. I was born and raised in West Auckland and have wanted to be a teacher since I was little. I have recently graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Education. I have a background in dance and a passion for the Arts and providing opportunities for ākonga to unleash their creativity. In my free time, I like to read, crochet, and spend time with family and, of course, my cat Princess. I am looking forward to beginning this new journey in Room 4 and learning alongside my tamariki. Feel free to pop in and say hi 🙂

Eric Chan-Foon
Faiaoga Nafanua

Eric's bio
Talofa lava, My name is Eric Chan-foon, I am of Samoan Chinese descent, born and raised in West Auckland, with a brief stint in Brisbane. After graduating with my Bachelor of Science degree I went on to work as a Laboratory Manager/Technician at Kelston Boys High School, De La Salle College and Faith Lutheran College in Brisbane. As a Scientist working in education I developed a passion for student learning and wanted to be directly involved, so I transitioned into teaching working at West Auckland Middle School and now here at Sunnyvale Primary. My goal is to create a safe space for our young kids to learn, while also embracing their culture. Every student can be successful with the proper guidance, and I am privileged that I am in the position to facilitate that. Outside of school I go to Church, participating in the Worship Team, playing electric guitar and going on walks with my wife and daughter. Feel free to come see me if you have any questions. Fa’afetai Lava

Caitlin Jessiman
Kaiako Ngā Kākano

Caitlin 's bio
Ko Whakataha te maunga Ko Waitangi te awa Ko Mātaatua te waka Ko Ngā Puhi te iwi Ko Tauwhara te marae Ko Caitlin toku ingoa Kia ora, my name is Caitlin Jessiman. I was born and raised in West Auckland, however, my whanau hail from a small town called Waimate North. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Education, and I am beyond excited and privileged to join the Sunnyvale whanau 2024. I am looking forward to beginning my teaching journey. I aim to create a fun, inclusive, creative and encouraging environment for my ākonga to grow and thrive in. In my free time, I love to go to the beach, spend time with my whānau and listen to music. I also love meeting new people, so feel free to come in and have a chat 🙂

Mike Bell
Room 14

Mike's bio
Kia ora koutou, my name is Mike Bell. I started teaching at Sunnyvale Primary School in February 2018. I am originally from Hamilton however, I have been living in Auckland for the last 14 years. Most of my family still live in Hamilton and I travel down there frequently to visit them. I have been a full time teacher for the past 11 years and in that time I have taught all year levels from Years1 to 6. I have an interest in Inquiry based learning and the curriculum areas of Science, Environmental Sustainability, Digital Technology, Numeracy and Literacy.


Lesley Boswell
Nikau Team Leader / Teacher Room 16

Lesley's bio
Kia Ora tatou, I’m Miss Boswell. I began my teaching journey in 1999 with a B.Ed from Auckland Uni, after originally training as a teacher aide. Sunnyvale is my third school after beginning my career at Kohimarama, then Edendale. I feel blessed to come home to West Auckland where I was raised, having grown up in Glen Eden and attending Prospect Primary, Bruce Mac and Kelston Girls. I’m Sunnyvale’s resident All Black obsessive and Blues tragic, and an arachnophile. I believe strongly in the importance of developing maturity and encouraging independence as tamariki cross from the junior school into the senior. I love encouraging tamariki to notice and appreciate the natural world and the amazing things about mini animals around them everyday. My greatest passion is Reading and I enjoy igniting a love of books, the joy you get from reading and opening up young people’s imaginations. In my personal time I enjoy reading and watching murder mysteries and surprise, surprise, going to the rugby at Eden Park with my brother Keith. Feel free to come and meet me, if you can find me disguised among the tamariki. 😆🕸

Vaiga Molio'o
Faiaoga Nafanua

Vaiga's bio
Talofa lava. My name is Vaiga Molio’o. I am of Samoan descent – born and raised. I’ve lived in Auckland for more than a decade now and it has truly become my home away from home. I wear my heart on my sleeve in what I do as I believe that every good thing must flow from the inside in order for it to bloom greatly on the outside. I’m very privileged to start off my teaching career here at Sunnyvale School 2021. I believe that it will have a massive impact on my life as an educator as well as a learner. I love my culture and I love to embrace and learn new cultures therefore, creating a sense of belonging in the classroom for learners to feel at home is a big priority of mine. I look forward to working alongside you all. Fa’afetai lava.

Natasha Chandra
Room 11

Natasha's bio
Kia Ora! My name is Natasha Chandra and I have been at Sunnyvale Primary School since February 2019. I am originally from Fiji and have been living in Auckland for the last 18 years. I have taught as an Early Childhood Teacher before graduating with my Diploma in Teaching (Primary) in 2018. I believe in creating a positive learning environment that encourages our tamariki to take risks and experience success

Danielle Auld-Julian
Room 12

Danielle's bio
Kia Ora, I am Danielle Auld-Julian, but my students call me Miss A-J. Relieving at Sunnyvale Primary has been great and I was lucky enough to be asked to stay on as part of the Sunnyvale Whanau teaching in room 7 for the rest of 2021. I am born and bred in West Auckland and have taught in the UK as well as several other New Zealand schools teaching a wide range of year levels. I love watching tamariki engage and progress with their learning and in particular enjoy teaching reading. I love ceroc dancing as well as home and craft projects.

Teresa Puamau
Room 13

Teresa 's bio
Kia Ora Tatou, I am Teresa Puamau, I am of pakeha descent and am originally from Thames. I moved to Auckland at the age of 6 and have spent most of my life on the North shore, with a four year stint in south Auckland. I have had a vast amount of cultural influence in and through my life providing me with a rich and diverse upbringing and adulthood. I currently reside in Albany with 4 of my 5 grown children, my mother and my sister. My children are Maeeve (24), Fohe (22), Ilaisaane (20), Tairua (18), and Mariska (16). Maaeve lives in Nelson with her Fiance and Mariska is completing NCEA level 2 at Rangitoto College, the others are all working. I have always been active in their chosen sporting and extra curricular activities, leading me to become a Pippin and Brownie leader in the Girls Guide Movement, parent support, coach and manager of water polo as well as netball, and previously a committee member of the TS Bellona sea cadet unit. I have never not been far from working with children throughout my teens and adulthood, through caregiving to teacher aide roles and now teaching. I am a new teacher having completed my B Ed (primary) teaching degree in 2021. I am a firm believer of learning being a collaboration between teachers, whanau and students. I believe open communication is important for all to be successful. In my spare time, I love to read and spend time with my family and friends. I also like to water walk. I am excited to join the teaching team at Sunnyvale school and look forward to working alongside everyone to hautū (guide) and taituarā (support) students in their journey to become lifelong learners while continuing my learning journey as a teacher.

Lana Laurenson
Room 15

Lana's bio
Kia ora tātou, Ko Biokovo tōku maunga, Ko Trnava tōku awa, Nō Koroatea ahau. Ko Čanžek tōku whānau, Ko Lana tōku ingoa, Ko Whaea Lana tōku ingoa kura. My name is Lana and I am the kaiako of Room 15. I am originally from Croatia, from a little rural town with a great big history, but have called Aotearoa my home for most of my life. I have two amazing daughters that attend Sunnyvale, and you might have seen me around as I used to be on the Sunnyvale Board of Trustees and in the classroom as a parent helper. I believe in creating a sense of belonging and significance for all of our tamariki here at school, and look forward to so many learning adventures!

Tupu Tuia

Tupu's bio
Talofa lava Hi my name is Tuia Tuia. I started working at Sunnyvale in 2017 then had a break to have my baby and came back in 2019. I enjoy teaching at Sunnyvale and making a difference in our tamariki lives.


May Gaseata
Assistant Principal | Pohutukawa Team Leader | Faiaoga Nafanua

May's bio
Talofa, talofa, talofa lava. My name is May Gaseata and I have been at Sunnyvale since 2015. My passions include music and Siva Samoa, and I also love tutoring the Pasifika Group, alongside another colleague of mine. The thing I love most about teaching is; the lightbulb moments students have and seeing students shine in different areas at school, whether it be through academics, the arts or sports. In my spare time I love to play with my son and catch up on my programs. I love summer and going to the beach to have a swim and a BBQ. My door is always open and I am always willing to listen, so please do not hesitate to come in. Fa’afetai lava

Jessica Mathews
Room 6

Jessica's bio
“Kia Ora! My name is Jessica Mathews and I recently graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Education. I am passionate about creating and encouraging an inclusive learning environment where all tamariki can grow and glow. When I am not at school, I enjoy picnics and gardening, as well as visiting my family in the Waikato. I am excited to be a part of the Sunnyvale team!”

Annie Wallbank
Faiaoga Nafanua

Annie's bio
Talofa lava, My name is Annie Wallbank, I am of Samoan-European descent. I was born and raised in West Auckland though hail from the villages of Salailua, Savaii and Vaovai, Falealili. I first came to Sunnyvale as a student teacher in 2019 and have the privilege of joining the teaching team this year in Nafanua. I love being able to embrace my culture and the culture of others and look forward to teaching and learning aside learners. I aspire to be a teacher who creates a culture of belonging and inclusion where students are able to bring their whole selves to the classroom as they learn and grow. Outside of school, you will find me chasing a sunset, at the beach or spending time with aiga. I love meeting new people, so please don’t hesitate to come in! Fa’afetai lava.

Elmira Bastida
Room 10

Elmira's bio
Kia Ora, I am Elmira Dashtabi. I was born and raised in West Auckland, New Zealand, and I am of Iranian descent. I speak fluent Farsi and English. I graduated from AUT with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in Psychology. Additionally, I recently completed a graduate diploma in Primary Education from the University of Waikato. I am looking forward to starting my journey as a teacher at Sunnyvale Primary School pursuing my passion for primary education. My goal is to foster a positive, inclusive, and encouraging learning environment for my future students, creating meaningful connections both inside and outside the classroom. During my free time, I enjoy walking my two dogs, listening to music, and spending quality time with my family and friends.

Steve Gibson
Room 10

Steve's bio
Kia ora koutou! My name is Steve Gibson, and my teaching journey began officially in 2015 when I did my studies at Auckland university. I actually did one of my placements that year at Sunnyvale Primary, and now I am incredibly excited to return to this wonderful school with a whole class of my own! A little bit about me, I LOVE sports. I have played football at local clubs for the past 25 years at various competitive and social levels, however I also enjoy struggling on the golf course whenever I get the chance to. I have also worked at a summer camp in the U.S four separate times from 2014 – 2018. I worked as a general counsellor for a year before becoming the head of the sports department where I taught anything from archery, to frisbee, to netball, and volleyball. My camp was located in a small New Hampshire town called Windsor, and it was about a 1 hour drive from Boston and a 6 hour drive from New York City. I am very much looking forward to being a part of the Sunnyvale teaching team and I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for all of us 🙂

Pushpa Ram
Gyan Deep (Hindi Bilingual)

Pushpa's bio
I am Pushpa Ram, and I grew up in Fiji on a farm eating lots of fresh food and fruits every day. Listening to my grandma’s stories and learning many valuable life skills through playing with nature. I had a river near my house which was like a swimming pool .I got the teaching inspiration through my parents. They taught me how to read and write in my language. Therefore, I have a huge passion for teaching and learning and I absolutely love what I do. It’s an honour for me to be part of Sunnyvale School whanau and I will do everything I can to ensure our tamariki are nurtured in a supportive learning.

Tash Jamieson

Tash's bio
Kia ora koutou, My name is Tash Jamieson. I started my educational career as a dyslexia tutor and teacher aide before completing my teaching degree in 2017. I began teaching in 2018 and have spent the last few years relieving in schools around west and central Auckland. I grew up in Piha and am excited to be back in West Auckland teaching at Sunnyvale.


Mericia Chang
Deputy Principal | Kauri Team Leader | Kaiako

Mericia's bio
Fakaalofa lahi atu, I am Mericia Chang. I am of Niuean descent, teacher of Room 6, Team Leader of the Kauri Syndicate (Y5-6) and Across School Leader of our Henderson Kahui Ako (Community of Learning). I have only started working here at Sunnyvale School this year. I am married to Nigel (Samoan-Chinese) and have four children – Lanicia (17), Dallyce (16), Manatoa (12) and Johnson (9). My daughters Lanicia and Dallyce attend St Dominics College, My son Manatoa attends Liston College and my baby Johnson is currently at Western Heights Primary as of this year. I have been teaching for 11 years (years 3-8) at 3 different schools. In addition, my family and life outside teaching also play a major role and influence me as a teacher/leader. I manage a sporting family – and I’m the main cheerleader for them on the sideline of the court and the field. Life is busy as a full time working Mum. Nevertheless, I too am a learner and my role as a teacher, leader and all my other responsibilities are constant work in progress and is always evolving – but as they say, ‘life is so much easier with a sense of humour’. My door is always open, and I love meeting and chatting with people.

Dorothy Vaipulu
Room 8

Dorothy's bio
Malo e lelei. My name is Dorothy Vaipulu and I am Tongan. I have only started working here at Sunnyvale School this term. (Term 3 2022) I am happily married with four beautiful children. I have been teaching at Dominion Road School for the last 2 years on year 0 &1. It is a blessing to join the amazing team and I am looking forward to get to know my learners individually and their whanau. I love spending time with my family and friends, playing tennis and fishing with hubby. If you see me in the class please don’t hesitate to come in to say hello and have a little bit of laugh.

Moses Lee
Room 8

Moses's bio
Greetings everyone, My name is Moses, I’m a freshly graduated new teacher. I have a lot of excitement and eagerness in me to learn new experiences from Sunnyvale and to also give new experiences to my students. It is my goal and my main priority as your child’s teacher to help them learn necessary skills so that they can achieve their dreams and succeed in life. Other than dedicating my time to students, in my free time I like to travel, learn languages, and hiking and breathing in the mountain air. Feel free to come and visit my classroom, I’m always happy to have a chat.

Rikki-Leigh Smith
Kaiako Ngā Kākano

Rikki-Leigh's bio
Kia Ora e te Whanau, Ko Orowhana toku maunga Ko Rangiheke te awa Ko Mamari toku waka Ko Te Rarawa me Te Aupouri te iwi Ko Whakamaharatanga te marae Ko Rikki-Leigh ahau. My name is Rikki-Leigh and I will be joining the Sunnyvale whanau in 2020. A little bit about me, my whanau originate from a small town named Herekino in the Far North. Sunnyvale Primary has always been special to me, it is where my four younger siblings were educated, the aroha and manaakitanga I felt and saw when my siblings came here really sealed my decision to become a teacher. Prior to studying to become a teacher, I worked in corporate finance for seven years and completed a Bachelor of Business but I always felt something was missing. Thankfully, I found it with the beautiful tamariki at Sunnyvale. I am really looking forward to a new adventure with you all.

Kim Muriwai
Kaiako Ngā Kākano

Kim's bio
Ko Whakarongorua te maunga Ko Utukura te awa Ko Mokonuiarangi te marae Ko Kim Muriwai tēnei, he uri nō Ngāpuhi, e mihi ana ki a koutou. I have joined the Ngā Kākano whānau and work with both the tuakana and teina for three days a week. Most of my working life has involved teaching or creating resources to support the learning of te reo Māori. I’m enjoying supporting teachers to use more te reo Māori in their classrooms and home lives. I am from a family of teachers and was taught by both my parents in a small, rural school until I left for secondary school. My daughter and I live in Laingholm and enjoy having picnic dinners at the beach in summer. We also love visiting whānau in the Bay of Plenty and spending time in the North.

Sean Bishop
Room 10

Sean's bio
Hi I’m Sean, I love sports, technology, maths and science. I love challenging kids to try new things and learn new skills. I have a background in physical education, sports coaching and strength and conditioning. Being physically activity has always been a big part of my life and believe it should be for children also. I strongly feel technology should be used in the classroom as it is so integral to our society, I try to do this in ways that are only beneficial for the child and for learning in my classroom.

Jacqui Wickes
SENCO / Release Teacher / Librarian

Jacqui 's bio
Kia ora, my name is Jacqui Wickes. I started my teaching journey in 2000. I have taught in London, Malaysia and New Zealand, from new entrants to year 6. I am passionate about developing literacy skills in all tamariki and specialise in supporting children with dyslexia.

Ngā Kākano

Rikki-Leigh Smith
Kaiako Ngā Kākano

Rikki-Leigh's bio
Kia Ora e te Whanau, Ko Orowhana toku maunga Ko Rangiheke te awa Ko Mamari toku waka Ko Te Rarawa me Te Aupouri te iwi Ko Whakamaharatanga te marae Ko Rikki-Leigh ahau. My name is Rikki-Leigh and I will be joining the Sunnyvale whanau in 2020. A little bit about me, my whanau originate from a small town named Herekino in the Far North. Sunnyvale Primary has always been special to me, it is where my four younger siblings were educated, the aroha and manaakitanga I felt and saw when my siblings came here really sealed my decision to become a teacher. Prior to studying to become a teacher, I worked in corporate finance for seven years and completed a Bachelor of Business but I always felt something was missing. Thankfully, I found it with the beautiful tamariki at Sunnyvale. I am really looking forward to a new adventure with you all.

Caitlin Jessiman
Kaiako Ngā Kākano

Caitlin 's bio
Ko Whakataha te maunga Ko Waitangi te awa Ko Mātaatua te waka Ko Ngā Puhi te iwi Ko Tauwhara te marae Ko Caitlin toku ingoa Kia ora, my name is Caitlin Jessiman. I was born and raised in West Auckland, however, my whanau hail from a small town called Waimate North. I have recently completed my Bachelor of Education, and I am beyond excited and privileged to join the Sunnyvale whanau 2024. I am looking forward to beginning my teaching journey. I aim to create a fun, inclusive, creative and encouraging environment for my ākonga to grow and thrive in. In my free time, I love to go to the beach, spend time with my whānau and listen to music. I also love meeting new people, so feel free to come in and have a chat 🙂

Kim Muriwai
Kaiako Ngā Kākano

Kim's bio
Ko Whakarongorua te maunga Ko Utukura te awa Ko Mokonuiarangi te marae Ko Kim Muriwai tēnei, he uri nō Ngāpuhi, e mihi ana ki a koutou. I have joined the Ngā Kākano whānau and work with both the tuakana and teina for three days a week. Most of my working life has involved teaching or creating resources to support the learning of te reo Māori. I’m enjoying supporting teachers to use more te reo Māori in their classrooms and home lives. I am from a family of teachers and was taught by both my parents in a small, rural school until I left for secondary school. My daughter and I live in Laingholm and enjoy having picnic dinners at the beach in summer. We also love visiting whānau in the Bay of Plenty and spending time in the North.


May Gaseata
Assistant Principal | Pohutukawa Team Leader | Faiaoga Nafanua

May's bio
Talofa, talofa, talofa lava. My name is May Gaseata and I have been at Sunnyvale since 2015. My passions include music and Siva Samoa, and I also love tutoring the Pasifika Group, alongside another colleague of mine. The thing I love most about teaching is; the lightbulb moments students have and seeing students shine in different areas at school, whether it be through academics, the arts or sports. In my spare time I love to play with my son and catch up on my programs. I love summer and going to the beach to have a swim and a BBQ. My door is always open and I am always willing to listen, so please do not hesitate to come in. Fa’afetai lava

Annie Wallbank
Faiaoga Nafanua

Annie's bio
Talofa lava, My name is Annie Wallbank, I am of Samoan-European descent. I was born and raised in West Auckland though hail from the villages of Salailua, Savaii and Vaovai, Falealili. I first came to Sunnyvale as a student teacher in 2019 and have the privilege of joining the teaching team this year in Nafanua. I love being able to embrace my culture and the culture of others and look forward to teaching and learning aside learners. I aspire to be a teacher who creates a culture of belonging and inclusion where students are able to bring their whole selves to the classroom as they learn and grow. Outside of school, you will find me chasing a sunset, at the beach or spending time with aiga. I love meeting new people, so please don’t hesitate to come in! Fa’afetai lava.

Vaiga Molio'o
Faiaoga Nafanua

Vaiga's bio
Talofa lava. My name is Vaiga Molio’o. I am of Samoan descent – born and raised. I’ve lived in Auckland for more than a decade now and it has truly become my home away from home. I wear my heart on my sleeve in what I do as I believe that every good thing must flow from the inside in order for it to bloom greatly on the outside. I’m very privileged to start off my teaching career here at Sunnyvale School 2021. I believe that it will have a massive impact on my life as an educator as well as a learner. I love my culture and I love to embrace and learn new cultures therefore, creating a sense of belonging in the classroom for learners to feel at home is a big priority of mine. I look forward to working alongside you all. Fa’afetai lava.

Eric Chan-Foon
Faiaoga Nafanua

Eric's bio
Talofa lava, My name is Eric Chan-foon, I am of Samoan Chinese descent, born and raised in West Auckland, with a brief stint in Brisbane. After graduating with my Bachelor of Science degree I went on to work as a Laboratory Manager/Technician at Kelston Boys High School, De La Salle College and Faith Lutheran College in Brisbane. As a Scientist working in education I developed a passion for student learning and wanted to be directly involved, so I transitioned into teaching working at West Auckland Middle School and now here at Sunnyvale Primary. My goal is to create a safe space for our young kids to learn, while also embracing their culture. Every student can be successful with the proper guidance, and I am privileged that I am in the position to facilitate that. Outside of school I go to Church, participating in the Worship Team, playing electric guitar and going on walks with my wife and daughter. Feel free to come see me if you have any questions. Fa’afetai Lava

Gyan Deep

Pushpa Ram
Gyan Deep (Hindi Bilingual)

Pushpa's bio
I am Pushpa Ram, and I grew up in Fiji on a farm eating lots of fresh food and fruits every day. Listening to my grandma’s stories and learning many valuable life skills through playing with nature. I had a river near my house which was like a swimming pool .I got the teaching inspiration through my parents. They taught me how to read and write in my language. Therefore, I have a huge passion for teaching and learning and I absolutely love what I do. It’s an honour for me to be part of Sunnyvale School whanau and I will do everything I can to ensure our tamariki are nurtured in a supportive learning.


Linda Watson
Senior Teacher ESOL

Linda's bio
Kia Ora, Talofa Lava, Ni Hao, Bula Vinaka, Namaste, Malo e Lelei, I am Linda and I have had many different roles here at Sunnyvale! Currently I am teaching ESOL groups and providing some learning support. I am interested in bilingual education and promoting first language use. I grew up in Napier and often visit my family there and am a hurricanes supporter!

Social Worker

Tanya Tapatuetoa
Social Worker

Tanya's bio
Fakaalofalahi atu Ko Tofua te waka Ko Uluvehi te maunga Ko Uluvehi te wai Ko ngati Niue me te Pakeha te iwi Ko Tanya Tapatuetoa taku ignoa. Kia ora koutou, I am a SWIS, social worker in three schools, in west Auckland. I am of Niuean and Pakeha descent. I have three adult children, two beautiful mokopuna . I am an experienced Social Worker and have worked at Auckland City Mission, CADS (Community Alcohol and Drug Services), Oranga Tamariki Specialist Teams and as a Social Worker in Schools. I aim to whakamanawa tamariki and whanau by providing a service that works in partnership to promote mauri-ora and wellbeing. As a SWIS, we can offer a range of services and therapeutic support for tamariki and whanau which include, but not limited to: Grief and loss, emotional regulation, advocacy, programmes, referrals for external support, one to one sessions, group work, internal counselling and budgeting referrals and information and advice. I will be based at Sunnyvale on Monday and Tuesdays. I am very excited to be a part of the Sunnyvale community and feel free to contact me if you have any questions

Release Teachers

Sue Gauntlett

Sue's bio
Hi, My name is Sue Gauntlett. I began my teaching career in West Auckland. I taught in a number of schools here and then spent a few years teaching in London before returning to West Auckland. I found my way to Sunnyvale, found a home and have been teaching here ever since. I enjoy welcoming new children to school and beginning them on their learning journey. It is great to see them develop confidence in themselves and beginning to learn to read and write.

Tupu Tuia

Tupu's bio
Talofa lava Hi my name is Tuia Tuia. I started working at Sunnyvale in 2017 then had a break to have my baby and came back in 2019. I enjoy teaching at Sunnyvale and making a difference in our tamariki lives.

Tash Jamieson

Tash's bio
Kia ora koutou, My name is Tash Jamieson. I started my educational career as a dyslexia tutor and teacher aide before completing my teaching degree in 2017. I began teaching in 2018 and have spent the last few years relieving in schools around west and central Auckland. I grew up in Piha and am excited to be back in West Auckland teaching at Sunnyvale.

Caitlin Gabriel

Caitlin's bio
Kia Ora, my name is Caitlin Gabriel. I was born and raised in Auckland. I have been teaching our amazing Year 5/6s in the Sunnyvale Modern Learning Environment for two years now. I came here as a Student Teacher in 2017 and immediately felt a connection with the school culture, students, staff, families and whānau. I have a passion for building relationships and developing social and academic skills in our tamariki that will enable them to be lifelong learners. When I am not teaching I enjoy going to the beach, walking, having picnics, playing board games, reading and sharing a good meal with friends and family.

Olly Davidson


Special Programmes

Jacqui Wickes
SENCO / Release Teacher

Jacqui 's bio
Kia ora, my name is Jacqui Wickes. I started my teaching journey in 2000. I have taught in London, Malaysia and New Zealand, from new entrants to year 6. I am passionate about developing literacy skills in all tamariki and specialise in supporting children with dyslexia.

Office Administration

Juanita Olson
Accounts Administrator

Juanita's bio
Kia Ora, my name is Juanita and Im part of the Admin Team here at Sunnyvale School. I live in West Auckland and have done so all my life. I love being part of the Sunnyvale family, a great group of staff who work really hard for their students and community. When Im not at work I like catching up with family, watching sports (rugby / netball / softball) and travelling to my favourite place Whangamata

Chē Tiopira
Office Administrator

Chē's bio
Kia Ora e te Whanau, Ko Maungapohatu tōku maunga Ko Tauranga tōku awa Ko Mataatua tōku waka Ko Tuhoe tōku iwi Ko Tauanui tōku marae Ko Ché Tiopira ahau. I was born and raised in West Auckland and have worked at Sunnyvale School for over 9 years. I also attended Sunnyvale as a student. I have two Children, Rydah and Cole and two fur babies, Lunah and Lilo. I am the youngest of four children and I’m very lucky to get to work with my sister, Renee and niece, Naycha everyday. I have an awesome lot of people I get to laugh and work with everyday who are now apart of my extended whānau.

Lucas Hemi with assistants Cliffy and Shorty

Lucas's bio
Hi my name is Lucas Hemi, My wife is Susan Hemi. I started working at Sunnyvale in 2007 as the caretaker. My two assistants Cliffy & Shorty my dogs started in 2012. One of my favourite things to do is walk the dogs and support Manly Sea Eagles, something I’ve done since 1980.

Samson Curle-Carter
Caretaker Apprentice

Samson's bio
Kia ora, My name is Samson, I am a past student of Sunnyvale. I will now be an apprentice caretaker working with Mr Hemi. I have six brothers, three attending Sunnyvale and two in high school. Feel free to stop by and say hi.

Learning Support/ Kaiawhina

Renee Tiopira
Kaiāwhina / Whānau Support

Renee's bio
Kia ora, My name is Renee, I have had 2 children come through Sunnyvale and my daughter who is still currently here. I have worked at Sunnyvale for nearly 5 years.I love working with all our tamariki and whānau. Please don’t hesitate to stop in for a chat. ‘

Angela Frazer

Angela's bio
My two now-adult children (past pupils of this school) my husband and I have been part of the Sunnyvale community close to 24 years, 15 of which have been dedicated to my work as a Teacher Aide at Sunnyvale Primary. I find it a huge privilege to work here, and I enjoy learning more every day along with our beautiful tamariki.

Joanna Pou
Kaiāwhina / Kitchen Manager

Joanna's bio
I have been involved with Sunnyvale Primary for over 20 years and have worked here for 6 years. My husband Steve and I have five children and four grandchildren. I love working at Sunnyvale Primary School with our amazing staff and wonderful children.

Karen Brosnahan
Learning Support

Karen's bio
I have worked at Sunnyvale as a Teacher Aide since 1996 supporting children in class and also taking groups of children helping with oral language and phonics. I love working with children and also work at our After School Care Programme and have been there since 2010. My 3 sons attended Sunnyvale for all their primary schooling which they loved.

Maree Bell

Maree's bio
Hi I’m Maree, I come from Carterton.I have been working at Sunnyvale for five years. I have one son named Daniel and cat call Padmé.I love my miniature v8 mini, camping and travelling. If you see me around say hello.

Naycha Robarts

Naycha's bio
Kia ora, My name is Naycha. I am a former student of Sunnyvale, as well as my two siblings. I have a four year old son. When I’m not working I like taking my son to the park and hanging out with family. Feel free to pop in and say hi!!

Flo Murray
Kaiāwhina / Board member

Flo's bio
Kia Ora, my name is Flo and I am Māori and Cook Island. I have had three of my older children come through Sunnyvale School. I have one daughter who currently attends. I am looking forward to working with all our school whānau and community.

Te Aroha Hemana

Te Aroha's bio
Kia ora, My name is Te Aroha Hemana. I have 6 tamariki ranging from 2 to 20 years old, two of them are currently at Sunnyvale Primary. I work in the kitchen with Jo.

Stephanie Cox

Stephanie's bio
Hi my name is Stephanie cox I’ve recently joined the Sunnyvale staff as a teacher aid/ kaiāwhina doing the rainbow reading programme as well as working in in- class support. I am a mum to a 7 year old daughter Peyton who is currently attending this school.

Tania Shannon


Harrison Smith

Harrison's bio
Tēnā koe Ko Ingarangi te whakapaparanga mai engari Ko Aotearoa toku whenua tupu Ko Tāmakimakaurau toku kāinga Ko Harrison tōku ingoa. Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa Hey there, I’m Harrison Smith. I have recently joined the Sunnyvale team as a kaiāwhina/teacher aid. With three kids at Sunnyvale Primary, I’m excited to support both students and staff here.

Philip Dwyer

Philip's bio
My name is Philip Dwyer. My wife Melanie and I have 2 girls, both students at Sunnyvale School. Eloise in year 4 and Samantha in year 2. I work as an IT consultant for a large international company in Auckland for the last 19 years.

Flo Murray
Kaiāwhina / Board member

Flo's bio
Kia Ora, my name is Flo and I am Māori and Cook Island. I have had three of my older children come through Sunnyvale School. I have one daughter who currently attends. I am looking forward to working with all our school whānau and community.

Katie Pennicott

Katie's bio
Kia ora Ko Hikurangi te maunga Ko Waiapu te awa Ko Horouta te waka Ko Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Pākehā, Whenua Moemoea ngā iwi Tena koutou katoa Kia ora koutou, My name is Katie Pennicott (Whaea Katie) and I am your new principal. I am from Invercargill and I have been working in education for 21 years. I am thrilled to be here at Sunnyvale School, in beautiful Auckland. It has been a great pleasure to meet the wonderful students and staff, and I look forward to working with you all and learning together. Please feel welcome to get in touch at any time.

Ellyott Motu
Board member

Ellyott's bio
I am Maori and Cook Island Maori. I have a daughter that attends Sunnyvale School. I have enjoyed being part of the board and look forward to learning more about school management. I enjoy playing sports and along with my wife I have started coaching my daughter’s sports teams.

Philip Murray
Board Member


Hannah Lee
Board Member

Hannah's bio
Kia ora, my name is Hannah and I am Pakeha (Scottish, English, Irish, Norwegian) and Māori (Ngati Maniapoto). I have two children at Sunnyvale and feel so grateful to be part of such a supportive school community. I am a published writer (poetry and short fiction) and work in retail locally. My interests include art, making delicious kai, swimming and spending time in nature. I look forward to learning more about how I can help support our tamariki.

Christopher Smith
Board member

Christopher's bio
“Kia ora, my name is Christopher, I was born in Taranaki but have called Waitākere my home for most of my life. My youngest is a student at Sunnyvale and my partner is Whaea Lana. I’m a Mycologist and I am passionate about all things science, music and art. I feel honoured to be part of the Board and look forward to doing my best to help this wonderful school and community.”

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