Upcoming dates:

Thursday 6th Feb - Waitangi Day (no school)


Term Dates 2025

Term 1             Wed 29th Jan – Fri 11th April, 2025

Term 2             28th April 2025, - 27th June, 2025

Term 3             14th July, 2025 – 19th Sept, 2025

Term 4             6th Oct, 2025 – 12th Dec, 2025

Learning is for life.
Me mahi tātou, kia kaha te iwi.

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Tēnā koutou katoa

Ko Ngā Rau Pou a Maki ngā maunga

Ko Oratia te awa

Ko Te Kopua te rohe

Ko Sunnyvale te kura

Me mahi tātou, kia kaha ai te iwi

Anei mātou no tēnēi kura hei tauira

Kia ora, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Talofa lava, Ni hao, Annyeong, Namaste, Salam, Beunos dias, Un nyung and welcome to Sunnyvale Primary School.

Our school lives and breathes a culture of belonging, inclusiveness, diversity, learning and success. We value and model the importance of understanding what learning and progress looks like, sounds like and feels like. This means that your child will develop their understanding of themselves as a learner and how they might engage with and lead learning. They will be supported and nurtured by a dedicated, caring staff to feel confident, successful and listened to.

We have a genuine partnership with mana whenua, Te Kawerau a Maki. We are committed to upholding the rights and responsibilities of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, andbecause we are all signatories we all have the right to; have our language and culture protected, to participate in the school as we are and to benefit from partnership with one another.

Languages are an important part of our community and we strongly encourage the use of heritage languages at school. We have a diverse staff and we prioritise connection through language and culture.We have 3 bilingual classes,Ngā Kākano (Te Reo Māori) and Nafanua (Gagana Samoa) are from year 1-6 and our Gyan Deep (Hindi) is year 2-6.

As a school, we are proud of the way that we celebrate and connect with our students and their whānau.

To find out more about our school I welcome you to explore our website, our Facebook page or meet with us in person.

Ngā mihi nui,

Katie Pennicott

Katie Pennicott

At Sunnyvale Primary School we learn, create and share, making connections to ourselves, our community and our values.

Our School Logo

Our school logo represents our connection to the whenua, our values, our pedagogy and our cultures. We acknowledge Te Kawerau a Maki, mana whenua of this place.
The green section of our logo represents Nga Rau Pou a Maki/The Waitākere Ranges. The four Mangopare shapes represent our values; Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Aroha and Tuakana Teina. They are linked, as these values are connected through ourselves, our cultures, our community and the way we interact with each other and the environment. The four shapes also represent the four aspects of our Sunnyvale pedagogy and vision; Connect, Learn, Create, Share.
The sun represents our school name; Sunnyvale. The orange- yellow gradient represents the changes that happen to us as we learn and grow. The points of the sun’s rays represent the many cultures in our school. We come from all directions around the world.
The white line flows through the logo; representing the ongoing and never ending nature of learning. We are all learners.

Our Values

Our school values are whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, aroha and tuakana teina.





Tuakana Teina


Sunnyvale Primary School is a contributing Year 1-6 school. We provide inclusive, supportive, diverse learning opportunities for students aged 5-11 years old.
Our dedicated, caring staff, along with our learner focused curriculum approach, ensures we respond to and value each and every child and their family on their learning pathway.
Sunnyvale Primary School is home to many cultures. Our inclusive practice, creativity, digital learning, culture and innovation focus strengthen and build on students’ prior knowledge, strengths and experiences as well as their confidence and relationships.
Sunnyvale Primary School develops a strong foundation in the areas of literacy and numeracy. Our whole school integrated learning approach ensures that teaching and learning in The Arts, Science, Technology, Social Sciences, Health and PE is meaningful, creative and enjoyable.

Our graduate profile demonstrates how we work with our learners and their families to prepare for a successful transition to Intermediate School and beyond.

At Sunnyvale our learners will:

Have a strong sense of Identity
and show this by...

  • Having strong relationships
  • Communicating with others
  • Feeling comfortable in a range of situations
  • Knowing my own strengths
  • Understanding my likes/dislikes

Set goals and make progress
and show this by...

  • Feeling excited about learning
  • Learning everyday
  • Explaining what I am learning, why and how
  • Talking about learning and progress with family and friends

Have a sense of belonging
and show this by...

  • Connecting to my language and culture
  • Knowing how to make and maintain friendships
  • Feeling included and including others
  • Resolving differences in a respectful way

Feel confident
and show this by...

  • Speaking up
  • Taking part
  • Trying new things
  • Being involved
  • Sharing strengths and talents
  • Leading others
  • Asking for help when I need it

At Sunnyvale we: