Our Sunnyvale Primary School curriculum is focused on teaching and learning that supports all learners feeling a sense of identity, making progress, feeling a sense of belonging and developing confidence. 

All our planning, teaching and learning follows these four concepts; CONNECT, LEARN, CREATE, SHARE.

We offer specialist learning in a range of areas; Visual Art, Music, PE/Sport, Drama, Environmental Sustainability, Digital Technology and Creative Writing. Our release teachers and specialist teachers provide extension and enrichment for a range of talents and interests.

Our Literacy and Numeracy Programmes

We utilise a connected, coherent, consistent school-wide approach to literacy and numeracy. This ensures that our learners have smooth transitions between classes and levels, and enhances progress. 

Our literacy approach is The Code is Key, by Joy Allcock at Code-Ed education. 

Code-Ed's approach and resources are based on research and supported by evidence. Code-Ed demystifies the way written English works and makes it accessible to all teachers and students through explicitly teaching:

  • The alphabetic code (phonemes and graphemes)
  • The meaning system of English (morphology)
  • The most reliable spelling rules and conventions

“I have known Joy Allcock for some decades as the ‘Queen’ of teaching the skills of reading and spelling.”

- Professor John Hattie

Our Mathematics approach is Numicon.

Numicon is a mastery, structured Maths approach covering all contexts/strands, providing explicit teaching, explorations, and investigations based on the science of learning maths.

  • Award-winning whole-school maths resource
  • Creating confident mathematicians
  • Research-based
  • Robust and reliable assessment
  • Conversation, mathematical reasoning and problem-solving



At Sunnyvale Primary School we are proud to focus on progress. We are driven to provide equity in access to resources, support and opportunities. Every child is provided with a range of educational opportunities to support, encourage, extend and enrich their learning and progress.
-Progress is visible within the learning spaces, in student’s reflection books and online using HERO
-Parents and whānau can engage with their child’s learning and progress online through our free HERO app
-The progress of each and every child is monitored each term, and support/extension is provided appropriately
We offer support programmes to ensure your child makes progress and achieves their goals. Our support programmes include: Muli-Lit, Quick 60, Rainbow Reading, Early Words, BSLA Tier 2, PMP, Speech and Communication.
English Language Learners
We provide cohesive, connected and responsive ESOL support. Our specialist ESOL teachers provide small group ESOL lessons several times a week, which begin once a child turns 7. Our Assistant Principal focuses on the progress and achievement of our ESOL learners, and provides techniques for teachers to ensure children thrive.
Diverse needs- SENCO support
Our SENCO provides support for families and children with diverse needs. She designs programmes, supports with referrals and agencies and provides adapted learning for students in class. Our sensory space and interim classroom provides support for children when needed.

Sunnyvale Café

In our changing world digital technology is as integral to our learning as the pen and pencil. At Sunnyvale Primary School our teaching and learning is designed to ensure learning takes place both on devices and with pen and paper. As with any other space for learning, we actively teach positive behaviour for keeping ourselves safe online. Students can engage and collaborate online through safe, shared spaces that are managed and overseen by teachers. We use Linewize and N4L online monitoring. Parents and whānau are able to receive updates and share in their child’s learning through our HERO app.

Diversity, language and culture

At Sunnyvale Primary School we pride ourselves on providing culturally responsive and inclusive education practice. We are committed to ensuring all students feel a sense of belonging and are able to take part in all aspects of school life. Knowing each learner and respecting their unique whakapapa places your child, your culture and your hopes and aspirations for their future at the heart of our practice at Sunnyvale.

We celebrate our diversity and get to know one another through weekly Whanaungatanga Fridays. Each Friday we enjoy whole school cultural, academic and/or sporting activities. We welcome parents and whānau to join in. Our assemblies take place on Friday mornings and we welcome parents and whānau to attend these. 

We plan for and celebrate each culture during the various language weeks with whole school events and activities.
Te Reo Māori me ona Tikanga is included in teaching and learning across the school each week.

We have three bilingual classes at Sunnyvale. Ngā Kākano and Nafanua are from year 1-6 and our Gyan Deep Hindi bilingual unit is year 2-6.

Nafanua - Samoan Bilingual
Samoan Class Room 10

Samoan philosophy

O le gagana e la'ei ai le aganu'u
'Language characterises the essence of culture'


Nafanua aims to empower students to be academically, culturally and socially confident with strong knowledge of their identity as Samoan learners. Students will be fostered to set their own learning goals through the Samoan context, underpinned by the New Zealand Curriculum to accelerate Pasifika academic achievement. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of opportunities available to them such as talent development, performing arts, sports and school leadership roles.


Manaakitanga - Fa'aaloalo
Aroha - Alofa
Whanaungatanga - Feso'ota'iga
Tuakana Teina -


  • To empower students achievement and feelings of success with quality teaching and learning that is culturally responsive and underpinned by NZC and Te Marautanga Māori.

  • To foster students abilities, readiness learning goals through Samoan context,

  • To ensure students achieve and enjoy success and belonging in all aspects of culture, academic learning and social skills,

  • To support students to grow and develop their knowledge of themselves,

  • To ensure students are confident in their own abilities and aspiration,

  • To develop student's skills to use and understand conversational Samoan,

  • Ensure that students understand and apply the fa'aaloalo way to speak in front of adults,

  • Support students to understand and apply the basics of respect when around adults e.g. sitting down when eating or drinking

Ngā Kākano - Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga Bilingual
Kaupapa Māori Class Room 9


E kore au e ngāro, He kakano ahau i ruia mai i Rangiātea


Ngā Kākano aims to empower students to be academically, culturally and socially confident, with strong knowledge of their identity as learners in both Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pakeha, acknowledging The Treaty of Waitangi as our foundation document in New Zealand. Students are fostered to set their own learning goals and become self managed learners through both Te Ao Māori and Te Ao Pakeha contexts, underpinned by the New Zealand Curriculum to accelerate academic achievement. Students are also encouraged to take advantage of opportunities available to them such as talent development, performing arts, sports and school leadership roles. Students are supported to be confident through the Whanaungatanga environment and encouraged to tautoko one another.


Tuakana Teina


  • To empower students achievement and feelings of success with quality teaching and learning that is culturally responsive and underpinned by NZC,

  • To ensure students achieve and enjoy success and belonging in all aspects of culture, academic learning and social skills,

  • To support students to grow and develop their knowledge of themselves,

  • To ensure students are confident in their own abilities and aspiration,

  • To develop student's skills to use and understand conversational Te Reo Māori,

  • To develop student's skills to use and understand aspects of Te Ao Māori tikanga within the contexts of home, school and community,

  • Support students to share their learning with their whānau and community

Hindi Bilingual Unit

Hindi class room 13

हदी Hindi Philosophy

"Hamari Bhasha, Hamari Pehchan"

‘My language, my culture, my identity”


The Hindi bilingual unit aims that all children grow up in New Zealand as competent and confident learners, strong in their identity, language and culture.  Learners will be encouraged to set their own learning goals in the context of their own language, underpinned by the New Zealand Curriculum to accelerate their academic achievement.  Learners will  also be  motivated to take advantage of opportunities available to them such as talent development, performing arts, sports and school leadership roles.


Manaakitanga -Aadar- samman ,

Aroha - pyar,mohabbat

Whanaungatanga - Rista Nata

Tuakana Teina - ek dusre se ( guru chichak)


  • To connect with their teachers, families, friends and wider community through their language,art,drama,music and culture.

  • To learn to communicate conversational/day to day hindi language through partnership with teachers,families and the wider community.

  • To create a positive environment of their own language and culture through art,dance,songs,stories, music,celebrations and festivals.

To view the Sunnyvale Primary School Charter Strategic and Annual Plan click here.

To view our annual report click here

To see how our students are achieving against our plan click here.

To view Ngā Kākano reo progressions click here. 

To view Nafanua Gagana Samoa progressions click here. 

To view Gyan Deep Hindi progressions click here.